AAM Video Library: Houston Property Management Insights

December Market Update

December Market Update

We know a lot of regulatory and tax changes are on the table--will it affect the housing market?        

October Market Update

October Market Update

What is your prediction about the stimulus? Do you think we'll get another one before the election?        

October Market Update

October Market Update

For property owners with federally-backed loans, how can Trump extend the moratorium on evictions?        

October Market Update

October Market Update

With all the recent tropical storms, should I be changing my property insurance?        

October Market Update

October Market Update

What further changes do you see coming for the real estate indusutry with regards to digitalization?        

September Market Update

September Market Update

How will delayed school re-openings and virtual learnings affect the real estate market?        

September Market Update

September Market Update

As far as getting new tenants  getting new tenants in properties and keeping them,  has the high unemployment rate in the Houston Area hurt the rental industry? Has the approval criteria changed to accommodate this issue taking into account the changes in...

September Market Update

September Market Update

What changes are you seeing in Real Estate specifically as far as showing houses and closing on properties for those investors who are doing a 1031 exchange or cashing properties out?      

September Market Update

September Market Update

  What changes are you seeing in Real Estate specifically as far as showing houses and closing on properties for those investors who are doing a 1031 exchange or cashing properties out?      

September Market Update

September Market Update

  How would you say that property management has changed since the COVID-19 Pandemic, specifically addressing maintenance requests in an efficient manner while making sure safety procedures are implemented?      

July Market Update

July Market Update

You have written a book about the performance of US presidents.  Not asking you to fully evaluate Trump yet, but do you think we'll see policies enacted in the 4 months leading up to the election that could affect the housing market?        

July Market Update

July Market Update

Now does it make sense to buy an investment property or should I still wait?