October Market Update

October Market Update

What is the potential the infrastructure package will affect tax laws around investment properties?  ...
October Market Update

October Market Update

With inflationary trends and increased housing prices, is it a time to for real estate investments?  ...
October Market Update

October Market Update

Are you noticing a trend of more investment type companies buying houses?   The answer to that is yes. I am seeing more of that. I think there are several reasons for it right now. The market is not real friendly to individual investors just because there are...
October Market Update

October Market Update

Now that the eviction moratorium has been lifted, are you seeing more evictions being processed?   Surprisingly, not really yet. So, on our side, we’ve had three evictions filed here in the last month or so since the eviction moratorium was finally...
September Market Update

September Market Update

What’s the “in demand” rental area of Houston right now?   I would say there are several strangely enough, inside of Houston, properties are moving less quickly than they are north and particularly the Lake Conroe area. Which, is always very...